Powers and Functions
Powers and Functions of the Ministry. – To accomplish its mandate and objectives, the Ministry shall:
(1) Formulate, develop and implement plans, programs, and projects in the field of social welfare and development on the basis of both the rights and needs of the people;
(2) Adopt policies to ensure effective implementation of programs for public and private social welfare services;
(3) Promote, support, and coordinate the establishment, expansion, and maintenance of non-governmental social welfare facilities, projects, and services;
(4) Establish, operate, maintain and otherwise support institutional facilities, projects, and services for its constituents;
(5) Promote, build and strengthen people’s organizations for a self-directing welfare system at the grassroots level;
(6) Promote, support, and coordinate networks and facilities for the identification and delivery of appropriate interventions to its welfare constituents;
(7) Accredit institutions and organizations engaged in social welfare activities and provide consultative and information services to them;
(8) Undertake research and studies on matters pertaining to the improvement of social welfare services and assistance in the region;
(9) Initiate, promote and maintain bilateral and multilateral linkages, for technical cooperation, in coordination with relevant national, regional, and local government agencies;
(10) Provide advisory services and develop and implement training standards and programs for its human resources, social workers and students, for career and staff development in social welfare activities;
(11) Disseminate information and publish technical bulletins on social welfare services;
(12) Deputize law enforcement agencies to assist in the implementation of laws, rules, and regulations for the protection of the rights of the exploited, abused, and disadvantaged;
(13) Regulate fund drives, public solicitations, and donations for charitable or welfare purposes;
(14) Set standards, accredit, and monitor the performance of all social welfare activities in both public and private sectors;
(15) Exercise functional and technical supervision over social workers in other government settings or agencies like courts, hospitals, schools, and housing projects;
(16) Deputize local government units and other agencies of government as are necessary for providing disaster relief;
(17) Coordinate all activities pertaining to the implementation of programs and services for the marginalized sectors including women, children, senior citizens, differently-abled persons, indigenous cultural communities, internally displaced persons, and those similarly situated by analogy; and
(18) Perform such other functions as may be provided by law.