Philippines Standard Time:

Today is:


Dhul Qidah 6, 1445 AH

May 14, 2024

Family And Community Welfare Program (FCWP)


MSSD recognizes the need to reduce the vulnerability of individuals and families by implementing various social protection programs to reduce social and economic vulnerabilities and risks of the poor population.
This includes identifying targets and strategies to implement universal and transformative social protection programs.
The Family and Community Welfare Program (FCWP) seeks to improve the well-being of poor and vulnerable families and communities in the Bangsamoro Region. The program targets to directly reach poor and near-poor individuals and households, and conflict-affected or vulnerable communities through its various social protection programs and services, skills enhancement, and advocacy activities.


Socially disadvantaged families include:

  • Parents
  • Surrogate parents
  • Solo parents who belong to the low-income group
  • Families with problems in relationships
  • Unemployed family heads
  • Other needy adults.


Parent Effectiveness Services

Provision of knowledge and techniques to parents on early childhood enrichment, health care, husband-wife, and parent-child relationships, and responsible parenthood in order to enable parents to adequately rear and inculcate positive satisfying husband-wife as well as parent-children relationships and develop social consciousness of family members.

This is undertaken through Neighbourhood Parent Effectiveness Assembly (NPEA) or Day-Care Service Parent Effectiveness Group (DCSPEG).

2. Planned Responsible Parenthood Service

Refers to value inculcation and counseling geared toward the promotion of responsible parenthood and family well-being.

It is addressed to Married Couples of Reproductive Age (MCRA); married couples with problems with home management and couples who have expressed desire and acceptance of any family planning method.

It is undertaken through counseling and referral.

3. Family Enterprise Assistance

Provision of interest-free capital assistance livelihood-oriented services to familiarize them to engage in income-generating projects and thus develop them to become self-reliant and socially responsible.

It is addressed to needy family heads and other family members who have no vocational or business management skills in undertaking a livelihood project or have no capital to start a project.

Is undertaken through the provision of practical skills development and job placement and capital assistance of P5, OOO per family enterprise project.

4. Social Service for Solo Parents (SSSP)

This service is rendered through a group process wherein a solo parent (widowed, abandoned, separated, or unwed) who has difficulty in coping with the situation develops insight through group discussion and information; modifies negative behavior through group control and discussion; develops confidence through participation in group activities; identifies opportunities and services she/he needs, and prevents probable breakdown.

It is undertaken through the group work method (peer counseling) as the main facility for bringing together and working with solo parents. In some exceptional cases where they cannot benefit from peer counseling because of personal problems such as anger, guilt, shyness, and loneliness then casework or individual counseling shall be employed through followed up by the social worker.

A referral is also undertaken where services of a psychiatrist, lawyer, or priest are needed to enhance and/or develop the coping mechanism of solo parents.

5. Marriage Counselling Service

Is both preventive and developmental with the goal-promoting healthy marriages and reducing the risk of marriage breakdown; It is a process that assists couples desiring to get married and married couples develop an understanding of the nature of marriage, family life, and a rational attitude and behavior towards marriage life situations.

It is undertaken through group counseling as a method in its pre-marriage counseling intervention to assist would-be married couples from 18 to 25 years old in applying for a marriage license as a requirement pursuant to the provisions of Articles 16 under the Family Code of the Philippines.

Individual/Couple counseling as the method is also undertaken in its marriage enrichment session and trial separation counseling interventions.

6. Family Casework Service

A short-term type of counseling that aims to bring together troubled individuals and their families as a group to assess and help sort out problems affecting them.

It is addressed to families with problems in relationships as a result of crisis situations or poor communication; and families with a distressed member.

7. Practical Skills Development, Job Placement for Family Heads or Male adults

Is provided to family heads and other family members without practical skills for income-generating activities; family heads and other family members who have practical skills but lack the motivation to go into gainful employment; those family heads and other family members who have practical skills with motivation but need a referral.

This is undertaken through vocational skills development; job counseling for family heads or male adults and job referral for family heads or male adults.

8. Integrated Family Life Resource Center

A volunteer self-managed facility that aims to promote and strengthen family life and values and empower the families by building their capabilities to manage and access community-based support and services to other families in the community.

9. Responsible Parenthood Service

Counseling on the values of Child Spacing and planned family size as well as the resolution of psychosocial barriers to the practice of child spacing and planning the size of the family.

10. Empowerment and Reaffirmation of Parental Abilities

An intervention that gives importance and emphasis to the father’s parental roles, responsibilities, and abilities through activities promotive of effective performance of familial tasks of Filipino fathers. It involves the conduct of modular sessions for fathers equipping them with the necessary knowledge, attitudes, and skills and conduct of enrichment activities that will empower Filipino fathers and for them to achieve a fulfilling experience of fatherhood.


This program is intended to assist socially disadvantaged communities in developing their capability in defining needs and formulating solutions as well as setting up viable community structures which bring about desired social changes.


Socially disadvantaged Barangays.


1. Social Preparation for People’s Participation

It involves raising awareness of existing community needs and problems.

2. Community Mobilization Service

It refers to an effort directed at the facilitation of collective action of the community to respond to common needs and problems.

3. Community Volunteers Resource Development

It involves service/activities to enhance, develop, and mobilize volunteers to respond to community needs/problems.

4. Development of Community Welfare Structures

It involves strengthening or organizing viable structures that will respond to the community’s needs/problems.

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Today is:


Dhul Qidah 6, 1445 AH

May 14, 2024