Philippines Standard Time:
Child And Youth Welfare Program (CYWP)
Child and Youth Welfare Program (CYWP) aims to to promote the comprehensive growth and advancement of children, adolescents, and young individuals in the Bangsamoro Region. This involves addressing the survival, development, protection, and participation requirements of the youth population in the BARMM.
The Kupkop Program
The Kupkop Program, the first type of its kind in the entire country, providing orphaned children with the necessary financial resources that improve access to balanced nutrition, education, a healthy lifestyle, and a secure and caring alternative care arrangement.

Source: Ikhlas



The Kupkop Program, the first type of its kind in the entire country, providing orphaned children with the necessary financial resources that improve access to balanced nutrition, education, a healthy lifestyle, and a secure and caring alternative care arrangement.


The Honorarium for Child Development Workers provides grants to each daycare worker ensuring that they are compensated for their hard work and contributions to the Early Childhood Care and Development (ECCD) of young learners across the Bangsamoro Region.



Free Birth Certificates for children between 0-12 years old is provided in partnership with the local civil registrars, across the BARMM region. The issuance of birth registration serves as the foundation for the protection and wellbeing of children to access basic services like education and healthcare


Early Childhood Care and Development (ECCD) has assessed, registered, and accredited early learning facilities and Child Development Workers. MSSD also provided learning materials and outdoor play facilities to daycare centers across the region.


The MSSD Minister chairs the Regional Sub-Committee for the Welfare of Children (RSCWC), overseeing child rights policies; and the Regional Juvenile Justice Welfare Committee (RJJWC), formulating juvenile justice policies. The RSCWC operates under the Social Development Committee of BEDC, while the RJJWC coordinates juvenile delinquency prevention, administration, and rehabilitation, supporting research and evaluations.

Child And Youth Welfare Program (CYWP)


Poverty has the worst impact on children and young people. Children are forced to drop out or cannot go to school. They lack access to a healthy diet and are more vulnerable to abuse. Due to poverty, and their vulnerability to displacement, families are struggling to bring food to the table, and cover the basic needs of their children.

The Child and Youth Welfare Program (CYWP) targets to support the holistic growth and development of children, adolescents, and young people in the Bangsamoro Region by addressing the survival, development, protection, and participation needs of children, adolescents, and young people in the BARMM.


  • Children in Need of Special Protection (CNSP)
  • Abandoned child
  • Neglected or Potentially Neglected Children
  • Exploited and Abused Children
  • Maltreated Children
  • Orphaned Children
  • Victims of Prostitution
  • Sheet Children
  • Trafficked Children
  • Children in Armed Conflict
  • Children in conflict with the Law (CICL)
  • Children traveling abroad
  • Child soldiers

Child Development Service formerly Day Care Service

  1. Center Based – (Child Development Center) provision of supplementary parental care to 3 – 4 years old children of parents who find it difficult to fully take care of their children during part of the day because of work or other reasons.
  2. Home Based (Supervised Neighbourhood Play) – community based on early childhood program for children 2 – 4 years old not catered in the Child Development Center. It utilizes play as an approach in providing early stimulation activities that are developmentally appropriate for each target ages of children in the community (play, games, exercises, and others).

Protective Service –provision of immediate interventions for a child who is abandoned, neglected physically or sexually abused, exploited and provision of guidance and counseling.

Child Placement Service – provision of appropriate parental care to orphaned, abandoned, abused children and those with special needs, through adoption, legal guardianship, foster care or residential care.

  1. Adoption – a socio legal process of providing a permanent family to a child whose parents have voluntarily or involuntarily parental authority over the child. The last
  2. Agency adoption – when the licensed adoption agency finds and develops adoptive families for children who are voluntarily and involuntarily committed.
  3. Direct / Independent Placement Adoption – when the biological parents make a direct placement of the child either to a relative, a member of their family, or a friend / non – relative with whom they relinquish their child

Foster Care or Substitute Family Care – Social Work interventions which provides planned substitute parental care to a child by a licensed foster family when his / her biological parents are unable to care for him / her temporarily. (Short term transfer to less than nine months) or long term (six months or more). 

Youth Welfare Program


Services and activities for protection and rehabilitation of youth in difficult situations.


  • Out of School Youth and other disadvantaged youths who are 15-24 years old and single.
  • Out of School Youth/disadvantaged youth
  • Youth victims of Armed Conflict
  • Youth in Conflict with the Law (CICL)
  • Youth victims of prostitution
  • Minor Travel Abroad
  • Youth Victims of trafficking
  • Children at Risk


Unlad Kabataan Program – geared towards the total development of the disadvantaged youth in terms of physical, psychological, emotional, social, spiritual, cultural and economic.

The goal is to promote the development of out-of- school youth and other disadvantaged youth to become self-reliant, economically productive, socially responsible citizens and able to contribute to the development of their family and community.


  • Organization of Pag-Asa Youth Association of the Philippines (PYAP)- where there is high incidence of out of school youth and other disadvantaged youths. Federated at the Barangay, City/ Municipality, Provincial, Regional and National to promote networking at various levels.
  • Development of Support System Considering the credibility and influence of their peer in the life of the youth, selected youth leaders who have interest, willingness and capability to serve as peer  counselors, educator and  advocates for positive lifestyle, environment, and conclusion on the Rights of the child are trained to assist the service providers

Unlad Kabataan Program Component

1. Economic Productivity – to achieve economic productivity and self- reliance among PYAP members.

  • Self Employment Assistance (Kaunlaran Pangkabataan)-Collateral free and interest capital assistant catering individual group who are physically fit to undertake and manage project.
  • Pre – Employment Service – youth groups interested in open or self – employment are required to attend the pre-employment and business management seminar which aims to build the employment marketability of those who prefer open employment and to enhance the entrepreneurial capability of the business oriented youth.

2. Personality Enhancement and Positive Lifestyle Promotion

  • The Youth are in critical transition from childhood to adulthood acquisition of knowledge, skills, attitudes and values. The PYAP members undergo trainings on different capability – building activities such as:
  • Population Awareness and Family Life Orientation (PAFLO)-The youths are oriented on the concepts of population dynamics, human growth and development, family life, responsible parenthood, life planning and decision making.
  • Positive Lifestyle Promotion -The lifestyle of a person, cluster of habits of a person is formed during adolescence and early adulthood expectation substance use and smoking, sexual initiative and other risk taking behaviour may occur at this stage, usually with peer influence and approval.
  • Socio – Cultural, Spiritual and Physical Development-The youth are encouraged to initiate or participate in indigenous activities.

3. Leadership Training and Social Responsibility– To optimize the leadership potentials of PYAP officers, they are given basic training such as peer counseling to promote positive lifestyle, project management and disaster preparedness management.

  • Social Responsibility Enrichment- While the child is concern with affection and approval of the family, the youth in the other hand are motivated in gaining the respect and approval of their peers.

4.Volunteer Community Service-Services to the community are rendered by the youths through the following types of involvement.

  • Immersion Outreach Program (IOP)-Youth volunteer are assigned to depressed barangays or social service centers / institutions to assist in PYAP organization and in conduct of youth activities
  • Weekend Youth Brigade (WYB)-Organised into brigades, the youth groups undertake community building projects such as tree planting, vegetable production, garbage collection, street and drainage cleaning and other environmental protection and conservation activities.

5. Government Internship Program (GIP) – Provision of opportunities to in – school youths or students to be trained in government operations during summer.

6.Youth / Peer Support Service

-Youth community action may also involve collection action that advocates for child rights and protection (Bantay Bata and community education on Convention on the Rights of Child and RA 7610), clean election, consumer protection, environment protection and conservation, and other related community / youth issues.

  • Follow – up Service –intended for recovered drug dependents / alcoholics, released prisoner, non – infections, leprosy victims and improve, mental patient who need motivated and / or assistance for either school or job placement.
  • After Care Service – provision of opportunities that will enable youths from institutions to go back to the mainstream of community life and participate in productive community activities.
  • Referral service  Other services provided by concern agencies in response to the needs of clients / beneficiaries.