Philippines Standard Time:

Today is:


Dhul Qidah 7, 1445 AH

May 15, 2024

Humanitarian Assistance and Transfer for Individuals in Distress (HATID) Program


The MSSD’s HATID program plays a crucial role in providing essential support and protection to vulnerable individuals and families in the Bangsamoro Region. MSSD workers are at the forefront, delivering life-saving assistance to those most in need. The program focuses on timely and efficient delivery of emergency relief aid, as well as support for disaster risk reduction and recovery efforts.

MSSD’s emergency relief assistance includes the distribution of food and non-food items such as tents, sleeping kits, dignity and protection kits, water kits, and hygiene kits. The provision of water, sanitation, and hygiene facilities in emergencies, as well as the establishment of temporary or emergency shelters, is also part of the program’s efforts. Additionally, MSSD implements cash-for-work projects for community-based disaster risk reduction, and provides family disaster risk reduction and protection kits for vulnerable households.

The program extends its support to families affected by various crises, including natural disasters, human-induced emergencies, and the ongoing COVID-19 pandemic. It specifically addresses the needs of laid-off workers, those in the informal sector, locally stranded individuals, returning Filipinos from Sabah and overseas, and individuals and households living below the poverty line or facing distressing circumstances.

Under the HATID program, MSSD has successfully assisted 2,339 distressed and stranded individuals and families. The program ensures their safety and security by facilitating their movement away from imminent threats, both physical and psychological, and facilitating emergency transfers to their places of origin. HATID also focuses on reuniting individuals with their family members, relatives, and significant others. Notably, MSSD has played a significant role in repatriating Filipinos from Sabah, with around 80% of them returning to the BARMM region, particularly to the island provinces of Tawi-Tawi, Sulu, and Basilan. From January to December 2022, MSSD supported and assisted in the return of 2,268 Bangsamoro people to Basilan, Sulu, and Tawi-Tawi, who were involuntarily returned or sent back to the country due to the lack of legal documents.

Through the HATID program, MSSD demonstrates its commitment to safeguarding the well-being and security of vulnerable individuals and families during challenging times, providing vital assistance, and facilitating their return to safer environments.

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Today is:


Dhul Qidah 7, 1445 AH

May 15, 2024