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  • Create Date Wed 17 Ramadan 1445AH 27-3-2024AD
  • Last Updated Wed 17 Ramadan 1445AH 27-3-2024AD

Mindanao Spatial Strategy/ Development Framework 2015-2045

The Mindanao Spatial Strategy/Development Framework (MSS/DF), 2015-2045 is a 30-year development framework that provides spatial and development directions primarily aims to physically and economically integrate the Mindanao regions. It updates the Mindanao Strategic Development Framework, 2010-2020 but with more spatial dimensions as it adopts the National Spatial Strategy or the NSS which is the core spatial strategy of the National Physical Framework Plan (NPFP). The key strategies are Concentration, Connectivity and Vulnerability Reduction. Among the land use components, the MSSDF focuses on settlements or more precisely, the spatial distribution of population including size and structure because population drives all others (production, protection and infrastructure). Urban areas are of particular interest because these and their vicinities are where the greatest land use conflicts with the natural environment and rural-based production emanate, where infrastructure is most intense, and recently, where majority of production output is based.

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