Philippines Standard Time:
Social Services in the Bangsamoro
The Ministry of Social Services and Development (MSSD) is the agency mandated to provide a balanced and responsive approach to social welfare whereby the rights, needs, and interests of all citizens within its jurisdiction, with special focus on the marginalized and vulnerable sectors, including women, children, senior citizens, differently-abled persons, indigenous cultural communities, internally displaced persons, and those similarly situated by analogy, are protected and addressed at all times, especially during the existence of a crisis, whether natural or human-induced, that affects their well-being and their participation in community affairs.
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MSSD Mandate

The Ministry of Social Services and Development (MSSD) is the agency mandated to provide a balanced and responsive approach to social welfare whereby the rights, needs, and interests of all citizens within its jurisdiction, with special focus on the marginalized and vulnerable sectors, including women, children, senior citizens, differently-abled persons, indigenous cultural communities, internally displaced persons, and those similarly situated by analogy, are protected and addressed at all times, especially during the existence of a crisis, whether natural or human-induced, that affects their well-being and their participation in community affairs.

The Ministry’s Objectives

(a) Provide an integrated welfare package to its constituents, on the basis of their rights, needs, and interests, and coordinate the service facilities required from such ministries or agencies, governmental and non-governmental, or local government units, which can best provide them;
(b) Address any socially disabling or dehumanizing conditions of the marginalized sectors at the community level, in accordance with their faith and cultural practices;
(c) Care for, protect, and rehabilitate, differently-abled persons, as well as those who are socially disadvantaged, for effective social functioning; and
(d) Formulate and advocate for the adoption of laws, policies, and measures addressing social welfare concerns.
Powers and Function
(1) Formulate, develop and implement plans, programs, and projects in the field of social welfare and development on the basis of both the rights and needs of the people;
(2) Adopt policies to ensure effective implementation of programs for public and private social welfare services;
(3) Promote, support, and coordinate the establishment, expansion, and maintenance of non-governmental social welfare facilities, projects, and services;
(4) Establish, operate, maintain and otherwise support institutional facilities, projects, and services for its constituents;
(5) Promote, build and strengthen people’s organizations for a self-directing welfare system at the grassroots level;
(6) Promote, support, and coordinate networks and facilities for the identification and delivery of appropriate interventions to its welfare constituents;
(7) Accredit institutions and organizations engaged in social welfare activities and provide consultative and information services to them;
(8) Undertake research and studies on matters pertaining to the improvement of social welfare services and assistance in the region;
(9) Initiate, promote and maintain bilateral and multilateral linkages, for technical cooperation, in coordination with relevant national, regional, and local government agencies;
(10) Provide advisory services and develop and implement training standards and programs for its human resources, social workers and students, for career and staff development in social welfare activities;
(11) Disseminate information and publish technical bulletins on social welfare services;
(12) Deputize law enforcement agencies to assist in the implementation of laws, rules, and regulations for the protection of the rights of the exploited, abused, and disadvantaged;
(13) Regulate fund drives, public solicitations, and donations for charitable or welfare purposes;
(14) Set standards, accredit, and monitor the performance of all social welfare activities in both public and private sectors;
(15) Exercise functional and technical supervision over social workers in other government settings or agencies like courts, hospitals, schools, and housing projects;
(16) Deputize local government units and other agencies of government as are necessary for providing disaster relief;
(17) Coordinate all activities pertaining to the implementation of programs and services for the marginalized sectors including women, children, senior citizens, differently-abled persons, indigenous cultural communities, internally displaced persons, and those similarly situated by analogy; and
(18) Perform such other functions as may be provided by law.
Organizational Structure
The Ministry of Social Services and Development consists of the Ministry Proper, Ministry Services and Offices, and such other appropriate divisions or units as may be necessary.
The Ministry is supported by Services, Bureaus, Division, Sections, and Units, such as but not limited to:
(1) Legal and Legislative Liaison Division – The Legal and Legislative Liaison Division shall be headed by a Division Chief.
(2) Internal Audit Division – The Internal Audit Division shall be headed by a Division Chief.
(3) Information and Communications Division – The Information and Communications shall be headed by a Division Chief.
(4) Planning Division – The Planning Division shall be headed by a Division Chief.
(5) Administrative and Finance Services – The Administrative and Finance Services shall be headed by a Director II.
Under the Administrative and Finance Services are the following:
(a) Finance Management Support Service Division;
(b) Administrative Management Services Division; and
(c) Human Resource and Management Division.
Each division shall be headed by a Division Chief.
(6) Programs and Operations Services – The Programs and Operations Services shall be headed by a Director II. It shall closely coordinate with the Provincial/City Social Welfare Offices in relation to the effective implementation, monitoring, and evaluation of the Ministry’s programs. It shall also encourage the active participation of local government units, partner agencies, and civil service organizations.
Under the Programs and Operations Services are the following divisions:
(a) Protective Services and Welfare Division;
(b) Disaster Response and Management Division; and the
(c) Specialized Programs Division.
Each division shall be headed by a Division Chief.
(7) Provincial and City Operations Office – The Provincial and City Operations Office shall be headed by a Director II. It shall consist of the provincial social welfare offices in the different provinces, cities, and geographical areas that are the constituent units of the Bangsamoro Autonomous Region.
It shall have direct supervision over the operations of the Provincial Social Welfare Offices of Sulu, Tawi-Tawi, Maguindanao, Lanao del Sur, and the geographical units of North Cotabato that are part of the region. It shall work closely with the City and Provincial Social Welfare and Development Offices of Basilan, Cotabato City, and Marawi City, and may enter into Memoranda of Agreement with the local chief executives of the different local government units in order to implement programs in these areas.